I Give Up
This has not been a good day…..first, I can’t air drop my photos from phone to iPad so I’m frustrated about that. We are in Semarang, Java, Indonesia. We went on the Panorama tour at 10:00 this morning. The streets in Semarang aren’t any better than in Bali. Lots of scooters and traffic. Our first stop was to a flower market and an area right behind it called the Rainbow neighborhood. Our guide told us it had been a slum but now it was cleaned up. It runs for several blocks along a river which didn’t look too clean either. The flower market was pretty with all the stalls of flowers. When we entered the neighborhood, there were dancers and musicians playing. We crossed the bridge and started walking along a path by the river in the “improved” slum. There were many people living there, some growing plants and vegetables in pots on the wall by the river. The dwellings didn’t look too sturdy. We didn’t see inside any so I don’t know what they were like inside. It was beastly hot and humid. Our bus driver drove by as we came back to the Main Street, so we had to wait for him to go make 2 u turns to come back for us. I was getting dizzy with the heat in spite of drinking water. He finally arrived and we went to a Buddhist temple. I asked if it was in the sun and he said yes. I decided to stay on the bus. I know I wouldn’t have made it. Bunny took some pictures and emailed them to me. I can’t figure out how to get them to my photos app! I really am helpless when it comes to tech stuff.
‘From the temple, we went to a Protestant church built in the 1700’s. We were told it was a 7 minute walk to the church-knew I wouldn’t make that, Bunny stayed on the bus too. I had hopes of going to an air conditioned mall but we had to let the guide know early and we could have been dropped off. So we went back to the ship and had lunch. Not a very fun day for me.
‘I am concerned because we have 4 days in Ho Chi Minh City with temps at 100, then Thailand where we go on an elephant encounter. Then there is 3 days in Singapore, 2 stops in Maylasia, then Thailand again. All are hot places. That’s why I give up. Will I be able to make it through the next 3 weeks???
I am hoping my photos will transfer to iPad tonight. I may post just the photos for you to see the improved neighborhood, dancers and flowers. Sayonara for now… I’ll put in some random photos below. Check out the electric wires on the post. Scary. Temple photos and the name of the temple in Bali. Dancers who greeted us as we left the ship on the first day in Bali. Flower in a pool along the walkway as we returned to ship in Bali.

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Stay safe in the heat