Yet Another Sea Day

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Yet Another Sea Day

Our schedule was pretty much the same. We went to a lecture by our favorite guy. This was on how sheep changed the world. It was about the wool trade. It was humorous and informative. Then on to Trivia. We did pretty good today but not the winner.
‘I played Euchre in the card room. Bunny played Five Crowns. We both lost. The rolling seas were getting to me so I spent the rest of the afternoon reading in the room. Bunny went to the jacuzzi. We went to a 6:30 lecture about the history of Australia. I don’t know why history lectures have to be so dull, but this one was. I did stay awake so it couldn’t have been that bad!

We had dinner in the Restaurant and sat at a sharing table. There were 6 of us. One couple we’d eaten with before from Ohio. The other couple was a man and woman who’d become friends on the ship. We had eaten with her before. The man was French but had lived everywhere. Most recently in Tennessee. Before this cruise he sold his house and sold or donated all belongings and car. He will spend the next two years on Viking cruise ships, then decide where he wants to live. I don’t think I could do that.

Tonight was another Dancing Under The Stars on the pool deck. It was pretty cool outside but the dancers stayed warm. I wanted to dance but I don’t want to take any chances and screw up my knee, so I chair danced. The photos are of our Canadian friends dancing. It was a fun evening but we got cold so we left. I got a couple nice sunset photos. The one with the sun was on starboard side. Sorry, I didn’t upload the second one. Maybe tomorrow night.$1

Comment (1)

  • ElaineA

    Have fun in Australia- take lots of pictures of the koalas

    February 9, 2024 at 6:27 am

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